Fantasy Strike Competitive Season 2 Begins Today


Have you practiced enough? Now’s the time to prove it!

Fantasy Strike’s Season 2 begins today, giving everyone a fresh start in our Online Ranked mode. Everyone’s Rank will be reset for the new season, and all players will receive an initial boost based on how high they climbed in the previous season.

Players will start with one star for each rank achieved in Season 1. For example, if you were Silver D at the end of Season 1, you will receive 7 stars (one for each rank from Bronze E-A, and Silver E-D), leaving you at Bronze C with 1 extra star. If you made it to the lofty Master Rank, you’ll receive a whopping 21 stars to start off the season!

Each Ranked Season will last for three months, so Season 3 will begin on February 1st, Season 4 on May 1st, and so on.

Also, your Survival and Boss Rush progress will be reset, so you can try to complete those challenges again, too. You can view your previous season’s progress any time (for Ranked, Survival, Boss Rush, and time played for each character) on your Profile screen (check the top right corner of the Main Menu on all platforms).

If you haven’t played our Ranked mode in a while, now’s the best time to get a fresh start. If you’re a ladder monster who made Master rank in Season 1, now’s your chance to jump back in the queue and prove your worth! Be sure to join our Discord to meet up with other players, discuss advanced tactics, and follow along with the development of our game.

Welcome to Season 2. We’ll see you on the server!